Our Latin books and articles

Equidem beatos puto, quibus deorum munere datum est
aut facere scribenda aut scribere legenda,
beatissimos vero quibus utrumque.

Plinius, Epistulae, VI, 16, 3.


You will find below some books and articles of ours. Some of them are freely downloadable, whilst others can be purchased.


Nova exercitia Latina I

Roberto Carfagni

The Nova exercitia Latina I are an exercise book mainly for those who use Familia Romana, the first volume of Lingua Latina per se illustrata, by Hans Henning Ørberg.
This book contains more than 260 new complementary exercises about Latin grammar (morphology and syntax). It also covers points of grammar that are not, or are not completely, dealt with in the Exercitia Latina I (e. g. the sequence of tenses, the accusative and infinitive, the ablative absolute).

Features include:
– every word, cover to cover, is in Latin, with vowel lengths marked;
– exercises on morphology and syntax, of various kinds: fill-in, transformation, matching, find-the-mistake, and so on;
– exercises on verb paradigms;
– useful grammar notes alongside the exercises;
– a rich grammar index, at the end of the book, helping teachers to find the appropriate exercises;
– a very clear graphic presentation.

You can buy this book here.


Nova exercitia Latina I soluta

Roberto Carfagni

This book contains the answer keys to the Nova exercitia Latina I, an exercise book mainly for those who use Familia Romana, the first volume of Hans Henning Ørberg’s Lingua Latina per se illustrata.

It can be purchased here.


Epitome historiae sacrae

Roberto Carfagni

The Epitome historiae sacrae is a reader entirely in Latin (with vowel lengths marked).
This book includes 209 readings from the Bible, originally collected by the French priest and latinist Charles-François Lhomond (1727-1794).
There are also a lot of engaging exercises on morphology, syntax and vocabulary, of various kinds: fill-in, transformation, matching, crosswords, find-the-mistake, and so on.

Features include:
– a summary of the major biblical stories, and all of Jesus’s life;
– approximately 16,000 Latin words in length;
– more than 1,300 new vocabulary words (for the reader who has finished Familia Romana, the first volume of ‘Lingua Latina per se illustrata’);
– beautiful illustrations by Gustave Doré;
– appendices of historical maps, glossary of names, time tables.

You can buy this book here.


Humanitatem induere, feritatem deponere.
L’Umanesimo italiano e i suoi ideali pedagogici: Pier Paolo Vergerio e Leonardo Bruni

Roberto Carfagni

A dissertation (in Italian) about the ideals and educational practice of the Italian humanists of the 15th century, and particularly of Peter Paul Vergerio – whose De ingenuis moribus et liberalibus adulescentiae studiis is the first pedagogical treatise of Renaissance – and Leonard Bruni – whose De studiis et litteris is the first book to deal with the issue of women education.

It can be downloaded free of charge.


Helgus Nikitinskij: verbi artifex, vir, amicus

Tommaso Francesco Bórri

A speech held by our friend Tommaso on the 7th of December, 2016, in Moscow, at the Lomonòsov University, during a conference in commemoration of Oleg Nikitinskij, an unforgettable humanist and classical philologist who had died prematurely in 2015.

The text can be downloaded free of charge.


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do not hesitate to contact us.

