Scholae per Rete: Latin and Greek online

Ad discendum […], nulla […] aetas sera videri potest.
Augustinus, Epistulae, CLXVI, 1 (PL 91, 1006 = CSEL 44, 546).

What are they?
The scholae per Rete (“lessons online”) are a very good opportunity for everybody, but particularly for busy people. Wherever you are, we can have our lessons together: all you need is a connection to the Internet.
We offer Latin and Greek lessons at different levels: from the first elements of the two languages, for beginners, to readings of classical authors, for advanced learners. You can have your own, personalized, lesson plan.
You won’t listen to the teacher passively: you will be stimulated to answer, talk, read, write, and do exercises. In short, you will be encouraged to use the language actively. Our lessons are engaging and pleasant: if you don’t believe us, look the videos below.
We teach through Skype, Zoom or Google Hangouts. You can decide lesson times with your teacher.

Whom are they for?
The scholae per Rete ere for individual learners. They’re directed towards everyone, from teachers to students to plain enthusiasts, who has a love for the classical languages.

Teaching material
For Latin, we use Lingua Latina per se illustrata, by H. H. Ørberg, and for Greek Athènaze (Italian edition), by M. Balme, G. Lawall, L. Miraglia and T. F. Bórri.
These two books are based on the so-called nature method, or inductive-contextual method: both grammar and vocabulary are carefully taught and learned inductively, i.e. from context (which is the natural process of learning).
Latin lessons are in Latin, and Greek lessons are in Greek: the language is thus constantly practiced. Other learning tools, such as phraseologies and exercise books, will be suggested by the teacher, if he considers them useful.
For further information, or queries, please write to us. You may ask for a first, free meeting, with no engagement on your part, to discuss your demands and needs and the method to be followed.


For questions about our courses, requests and information,
do not hesitate to contact us.

