Learning Latin

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How to learn Latin: ‘unum facere et aliud non omittere’ (pars altera)


[This is the second part of the article; the first part can be read here.] The purpose of such a study is not—and I say this again so as not to be misunderstood—to go shopping in Latin or to use Latin as a living language, as one might English (which many people learn in order to take a plane or book a hotel, and not to read Shakespeare), but to reclaim for Latin its nature as a language, as described above, which has been denied to it for so long in favour of a written approach to language [...]

How to learn Latin: ‘unum facere et aliud non omittere’ (pars altera)2023-12-03T19:47:20+01:00

Via directa


Symbola quae sequitur anno 1938° in commentariis Societatis linguae latinae usui internationali adaptandae, qui Lygia appellabantur, a Villelmo Henrico Denham Rouse latine exarata apparuit. Villelmus ille (1863°-1950°) linguae latinae graecaeque illustris magister fuit, qui Cantabrigiae viam directam ad linguas docendas, quae dicitur, diu ac strenue excoluit. Plura scire volentibus de via directa hunc et hunc eiusdem Rouse librum suademus. Symbola quam hic proponimus in ipsis commentariis hic legi potest. VIA DIRECTA O praeclaram beate vivendi et apertam et simplicem et directam viam! (Cicero, De finibus, I 57). Si rogas, quonam modo latine sit discendum, praesto est responsum: disce utendo! [...]

Via directa2023-12-03T19:49:48+01:00
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